Rogaine Review For Treatment Of Traction Alopecia}

Submitted by: Danielle McLoughlin

Rogaine, branded as Regaine in the UK is a hair loss treatment product that contains various concentrations of minoxidil available as a solution or in foam form. Minoxidil is the only drug recommended by the FDA to treat hair loss and is often given out by hair transplant clinics to patients as an after treatment. These licensed clinics often have access to 10% concentration solutions, typically not available over the counter.

The 5% concentration of Rogaine (or Regaine) can easily be bought over the counter in health stores without a prescription. Although originally made for women, the weaker 2% solutions have been found to be ineffective in the treatment of hair loss. The 2% concentration products for men have been discontinued.

Regaine has been found to be effective in the treatment of traction alopecia a condition where the hair loss is caused by constant pulling of the hair, usually due to a hairstyle (weaving, cornrows, tight ponytails, etc.). For the treatment to be effective, the pulling must be stopped, so hair must be worn in non-harmful styles for the duration of the treatment. It can often take a minimum of four months for the treatment to show results and it should be continued for at least six months.

Minoxidil will stimulate the follicles to produce new hairs and the result will often be a reversal of the condition, provided the pulling is ceased completely. Although traction alopecia can often heal itself naturally – if scarring hasn’t occured, using Regaine can speed up the process and produce more noticeable results, or help in more serious cases.


How does Regaine work

Minoxidil works by increasing the supply of blood to the hair follicles, stimulating them to grow new hair. It also strengthens existing hairs, although it wont protect them from the results of over pulling and tight hairstyles, so its important to stick with softer styles even if youre using Regaine.

Regaine side effects

Like all medicines, Regaine is not free of side effects. The most worrying one for women is often the fact that after two-three weeks of treatment, hair seems to actually fall out at a faster pace. This is the result of the hair follicles entering the growth cycle, which can speed up the shedding of old hairs. This side effect is temporary and means the treatment is working, so shouldnt be a cause of worry.

A peach fuzz effect is another side effect, and the newly grown hair can often appear soft, fine and downy, rather than thick and pronounced. This too is temporary and the hair should soon become the same as your normal hair. The peach fuzz effect itself will disappear completely when treatment is stopped.

Other side effects of Regaine include scalp irritation and redness, although these are greatly reduced when using the foam version.

Other information

Its important to thoroughly clean your hands before and after each application of Regaine.

The product produces topical results only in the area of application.

Using Rogaine/Regaine will not protect the hairs from future abuse. The problem may still return if you continue to wear your hairs in styles that cause pulling or tugging or return to such hairstyles after the treatment has finished.

About the Author: Rogaine can be combined with other

traction alopecia treatments

for better results.


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Phobia Therapy: The Answer To Curing Your Fears?

Submitted by: David Samson

Everybody has one fear or another but phobias can be overpowering. Some people find themselves incapable of performing everyday activities because of their fears. When a phobia begins affecting the quality of life, the time is right to start looking for professional assistance.

What is a Phobia?

A phobia is an irrational fear of common situations or objects. People that suffer from a phobia believe that they will be harmed or injured severely. Phobias are characterized as social, specific or agoraphobia the fear of being trapped in a particular situation or a place.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 10 percent of US adults suffer from some type of phobia. The most common phobias involve spiders, snakes, heights, injections, dogs, flying and social interactions. When exposed to the specific object, being or situation, people that suffer from a phobia exhibit similar symptoms. Fear and panic are the most common ones. People that suffer from a phobia will feel dizziness, anxiety, nausea, breathlessness and fear of dying whenever they are experiencing the circumstances that trigger the phobia.


How will a Therapist Address the Issue?

Therapy is the best way to address the issue and to increase a person s quality of life. If you are suffering from any phobia, you should certainly consider therapy.

In the beginning, the therapist will try to figure out the root of the problem. Some people with a fear of flying, for example, may actually be afraid of staying in a closed space for a long period of time or a sense of helplessness due to lack of control over the situation. A phobia may appear to be linked to something specific but its origin may be a completely different issue.

Can Hypnotherapy really help?

A skilled hypnotherapist can find the reason for the phobia and offer a long-term, reliable solution. Through hypnosis, the therapist will find the underlying, sub-conscious cause of the problem, the one that even a patient may actually be unaware of.

Once the cause is discovered, the therapist will use the sessions to eliminate an individual s conditioned response to that trigger. Very often, a traumatic event from the past is the root of the phobia. Many people that suffer from a phobia block the memory of this event. A therapist will be capable of getting to that cause only through hypnosis.

How many Sessions will I need?

In the first sessions, the therapist will help a patient relax and focus. This state is known as hypnotic trance and it is needed to gain access to sub-conscious memories.

Very often, the conscious mind stays in the way of finding a solution. Hypnotherapy quiets the consciousness, allowing a person to focus on the intrinsic, sub-conscious cause of a problem. Once the origin of the phobia is discovered, the hypnotherapist will suggest behavioural changes that will help for conquering the fear.

The typical duration of the therapy is three to four sessions but some people may require a longer period of time. If you suffer from a phobia, hypnotherapy is one of the best options for your needs. Phobias can be mildly uncomfortable or they may lead to major lifestyle changes. Whatever the problem and its cause are, talk to a hypnotherapist. You will be incapable of finding a magic cure but this treatment will deliver excellent results over time.

About the Author: David Samson is a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register and voted Hypnotherapist of the year at the 2012 Austin Hypnotherapy Awards, London. Please visit

for more information on how to overcome your phobia safely and permanently. Or call David Now 020 8201 0618


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