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New Venture Marketing- A solution to new age marketing problem!
Michael Raines
This is the age of competition. New ways, new tools, new techniques and new technologies are introduced everyday in the marketplace to catch the attention of the customers. Today, we have seen a radical change in the marketing and advertising techniques. Internet and new digital technologies has profoundly changed the way we communicate. Viral marketing, online advertising and search engines are few of the new ways of marketing and communication used by business houses.
It is very important for a company to use both traditional and new age online marketing and communications strategies to get an edge over its competitors. For this, great expertise is needed. New Venture Marketing, a specialist in providing high tech public relations and online communications services is highly experienced in high-tech public relations and marketing and new on-line media know-how. New Venture Marketing provides solutions to your marketing and communication problems through the way of marketing communications audits, positioning and PR strategy, business blogging, RSS and search engine optimization. New Venture Marketing is a venture that understands how to harness the new tools to support your business objectives. With over 18 years of practice and some 70+ clients from around the world, New Venture Marketing delivers customized Public Relations focused on clients’ business objectives and strategy.
New Venture Marketing provides high tech public relations and online communications services to B2B companies in rapidly changing, fiercely competitive technology markets. NewVentureMarketing help companies to achieve their business goals through broadcast, print and Internet channels while integrating new digital media into an overall marketing and communications mix.
New Venture Marketing has come up with a new idea of marketing and communication and provides a whole package of marketing and communication through on- line marketing services, media and public relations. New Venture Marketing is small enough to provide a personalized approach yet experienced enough to provide a full range of public relations and marketing communications services a growing company requires. New Venture Marketing has a proven track record of success working with many companies representing technologies ranging from enterprise software to security and infrastructure products, from communications equipment and conferences to social networking and venture capital, and New Venture Marketing has a strong, long-term relationships with the industry infrastructure, analysts and the press.
New Venture Marketing, a high tech public relations firm, will review your company’s objectives, market segments and business strategy, and communications mix and provide you with
new media strategy
SEO(search engine optimized)PR
business blogs
rss news feeds and syndication
website optimization
online media room
web site metrics & analytics
This age is about building relationships with customers, analysts and press and listening as well as telling. The customer is always on. Getting strong positive coverage in the media is still very important, and increasingly harder to get. New Venture Marketing makes a difference by providing its clients a great and positive coverage as it reaches a broad range of media outlets. New Venture Marketing begins with a series of in depth interviews with the senior team, customers, partners, investors and press so that we can help you tell your story to the people who can support you most. New Venture Marketing then sit down and help you look at your positioning and how it will be received.
Once positioning is in place, New Venture Marketing develop a customized communications plan, strategy and tools for your company. New Venture Marketing will recommend the best mix of traditional and increasingly important new media, i.e. business blogs, RSS, podcasts, instant messaging and search.
New Venture Marketing Media relation services include:
Marketing communications (marcom) audits
Market research
Product launches
Trade show & event planning
Pitching key influencers, analysts and press
Speaking opportunities
Writing services
New Venture Marketing is very Internet savvy with strength in both positioning and getting good press. New Venture Marketing understands high-tech PR and how to use it to make a start up a commerical success. So join hands with New Venture Marketing and get success.
Michael Raines shares his views about
New Venture Marketing
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New Venture Marketing- A solution to new age marketing problem!}