- Soldiers Point House Painters Australia
By Frbiz Tian
Exhibits: refrigeration equipment: refrigeration systems, ice making equipment, heat pumps, other cooling machines; refrigeration systems and equipment, heat exchange equipment, spare parts, evaporator, condenser, cooling equipment, air compressor, expansion, expansion valve, refrigeration distributor, liquid separator, thermostats, solenoid valves, zero closing valves, relief valves, dryers, filters, defrost equipment, motors, pumps, relays, refrigerant, refrigerating machine oil, thermal conductivity material; cooling system, chilled and frozen food and freezer cabinets, borneol machines, refrigerated containers; transport refrigeration systems; chilled and frozen food cabinets and parts and accessories; air conditioning and ventilation:
ventilation and air conditioning systems, ventilation and air conditioning system the intake and exhaust equipment, the central ventilation system and out of gas equipment, roof ventilation and air conditioning systems or outdoor installations, fans, inverters, fans (radiation type, axis type, cross type, fan propulsion, noise, acoustic equipment, exhaust pipe, fire smoke control panels, air channel, ceiling air conditioning, heat recovery systems, kitchen range hoods, control, security and surveillance systems, refrigeration and air conditioning in the measurement apparatus.
Exhibition Description: Mosbuild is Russia’s largest integrated regional Building Materials Exhibition, from the famous exhibition company ITE held. In 2005, the 11th exhibition attracted a total of 1,682 were exhibitors, which come from Austria, China, Italy, Poland, Malaysia, Spain and Finland and other countries exhibitors. The 2005 show a total exhibition area of 54,173 square meters, attracted 108,937 international visitors, the number of visitors in 2004 increased by 12%. expected in 2006 will reach 60,000 square meters of exhibition area, exhibition area of 2000 compared this data a full 300% increase.
In addition, the exhibition every year Mosbuild building materials industry are displayed for a wide variety of new products and new technologies and the construction industry in all aspects should level professionals to the scene to visit and talk; for thousands of professional buyers and professionals, Mosbuild they definitely should not miss the opportunity.
Therefore, Mosbuild is a dynamic international entrepreneurs to enter the Russian building materials market, a rare opportunity for face to face with decision makers. As a Russian the increasing size of building materials exhibition, the show will Expocentr & Crocus kinds on display at the exhibition hall the latest building products and advanced technologies in order to meet our exhibitors and buyers have needs. has always been happy with the organizers Division I co-operation with, and in 2005, our company organized 18 enterprises to participate in the exhibition, the services provided by our company is also recognized. Therefore, our company has been designated as agent of exhibition area in China.
Russia business opportunities In recent years, the United States, Japan and Europe the three “economic train” at the same time slow down, most of the world and a depressed economy, the Russian economy has made remarkable achievements, and that Russia has a population of 140 million market, purchasing power equivalent to several Eastern European countries. As the current shortage of certain products and Russia and can not be self-sufficient, and the growing Russian market opening up, a significant increase in import demand, to countries unprecedented opportunities.
In recent years the Russian construction market upward trend, a series of expansion works are underway to change, many cities face, renovation and new home construction, building decorative stone, clapboard ceiling materials, wallpaper, flooring, kitchen equipment, plastic doors and windows, and metal hardware increasing demand. All these have made the same year, Russia’s import demand is particularly strong building materials.
At present, a considerable number of imports in Russia, almost no building materials products in China say that this is a pity, but also indicates that – for the vast number of Chinese building materials and related industries and enterprises, the business opportunities in Russia is an urgent need of developing a large market.
On the other hand, using China and Russia in the price and transport advantages, the potential of the vast business opportunities in the Russian market of building materials for the domestic enterprises should can not be ignored. Russia’s economic recovery, improvement of living standards, the growth of government investment in capital construction, which meant that the vast Russian market for building materials. For China’s building materials businesses, which is a new opportunity.
About the Author: www.frbiz.com contain a great deal of information about ionizer air cleaners,wooden stair parts,aluminium door handle, welcome to visit!
Source: isnare.com
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