Submitted by: Tanya Unruh
Take a step in the right direction by keeping your business on track utilizing these steps. With expertise you can count on, you will find balance in your business. Discovering this balance is not always easy but with tips from an experienced professional you can get there quicker. A large part of this balancing act is being able to recognize when it s just too much. Outsourcing tedious tasks that tend to accumulate regularly, will allow you more time to accomplish profit building tasks instead. There are a wide variety of companies you can outsource your work to. From accounting professionals, virtual assistants to everything in between there is someone who can help you with what you re being overwhelmed by.
Let me begin with equipping you with a very useful tool to discover where your business stands. SWOT Analysis, stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. If you have never heard of this term before it may sound a bit frightening and involved, but it is actually quite simple. Following the steps below will enable you to become a powerful business owner utilizing your new-found knowledge from SWOT Analysis to improve you business balance.
* You will need to gather two sheets of paper and a pen/pencil.
Step One: Make a list of what you see as your business strengths. (ex. excellent customer service, customized products or services etc.)
Step Two: On the opposite sheet of paper, make a list of one of your competitors strengths. ( You may need to do a bit of research if you re a newly establish business or are unsure)
Step Three: Go back to your businesses paper and make a list of your businesses weaknesses. ( ex. small customer base, limited advertising budget etc.)
Step Four: On your competitors page, make a list of their weaknesses as well.
Step Five: Review your two lists that have been created thus far and identify opportunities that exist for your business. (ex. Free advertising such as Twitter and Facebook etc.)
Step Six: Reviewing once again the strengths and weaknesses lists, identify threats to your business. (ex. large customer base, lower prices etc.)
Step Seven: You have now done SWOT Analysis for your business. Use the results you have discovered to balance your business by finding what opportunities exist and what threats there are to your business. You can now improve the way your business operates and begin to build a stronger company.
Take a step in the right direction by keeping your business on track utilizing these steps. With expertise you can count on, you will find balance in your business. Discovering this balance is not always easy but with tips from an experienced professional you can get there quicker. A large part of this balancing act is being able to recognize when it s just too much. Outsourcing tedious tasks that tend to accumulate regularly, will allow you more time to accomplish profit building tasks instead. There are a wide variety of companies you can outsource your work to. From accounting professionals, virtual assistants to everything in between there is someone who can help you with what you re being overwhelmed by.
Let me begin with equipping you with a very useful tool to discover where your business stands. SWOT Analysis, stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. If you have never heard of this term before it may sound a bit frightening and involved, but it is actually quite simple. Following the steps below will enable you to become a powerful business owner utilizing your new-found knowledge from SWOT Analysis to improve you business balance.
* You will need to gather two sheets of paper and a pen/pencil.
Step One: Make a list of what you see as your business strengths. (ex. excellent customer service, customized products or services etc.)
Step Two: On the opposite sheet of paper, make a list of one of your competitors strengths. ( You may need to do a bit of research if you re a newly establish business or are unsure)
Step Three: Go back to your businesses paper and make a list of your businesses weaknesses. ( ex. small customer base, limited advertising budget etc.)
Step Four: On your competitors page, make a list of their weaknesses as well.
Step Five: Review your two lists that have been created thus far and identify opportunities that exist for your business. (ex. Free advertising such as Twitter and Facebook etc.)
Step Six: Reviewing once again the strengths and weaknesses lists, identify threats to your business. (ex. large customer base, lower prices etc.)
Step Seven: You have now done SWOT Analysis for your business. Use the results you have discovered to balance your business by finding what opportunities exist and what threats there are to your business. You can now improve the way your business operates and begin to build a stronger company.
About the Author: Administrative Support Specialist assisting small businesses virtually since 2009.
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