Submitted by: Jeffrey Richard
The Sammy Screw has been in use by many contractors for some years now, but still many have not seen the product or the benefit they can offer.
What is a Sammy Screw? A Sammy Screw is basically a screw with a rod coupler attached to it making it a one piece threaded rod hanger. The Sammy Screw threaded rod hanger comes in a variety of different configurations to accomadate most any application.
To install a Sammy Screw threaded rod hanger, you will need a cordless drill, and a Sammy Screw driver. The most common driver does most of the Sammy Screws, however, if you are using a Sammy Screw junior, or a sidewinder, you will need a different driver. If you are using a Sammy Screw for concrete, you will also need a hammer drill bit to pre drill the hole in the concrete. You may want to consider a Lagmater Plus extension pole if you want to install a Sammy Screw into wood or steel from the floor. If you are using the Sammy Express anchor mentioned below, you will need the Sammy XPIT install tool. They run around $90 but it will save you that over and over again.
If you are hanging threaded rod from a wood beam or joist, the Sammy Screw GST series will work for you. This is basically a lag bolt with the threaded rod hanger or coupler built on to it. They come in a variety of lenghts to accomidate any drywall you may have to go through.
The Sammy Screw DST threaded rod hanger has a self drill screw attached to the threaded rod hanger. Several different lenghts are available along with different types of tips depending on how thick of metal you would like to fasten to.
If you need to fasten to concrete, the CST Sammy Screw threaded rod hanger will work well. As with any type of concrete screw you will need to pre drill the concrete.
One of my favorite Sammy Screws is the Sammy Express. The Sammy Express is designed to fasten to the metal roof deck. The Sammy Express anchor acutually collapses behind the metal deck offering tremendous holding power and saving tons of time. The only drawback to the Sammy Express anchor is the cost and the special tool required to install it. But, time is money, the Sammy Express anchor will save you alot of time.
Most of the Sammy Screws described above are available to accept 1/4″ to 1/2″ threaded rod. Most styles are also available in a side winder version. These Sammy Screw threaded rod hangers allow you to mount the threaed rod at a 90 degree angle to the anchor.
You can also install the Sammy Screw into wood and steel for the floor with the Lagmaster Plus tool. The Lagmaste plus is a extension pole that goes into the end of a cordless drill. Just insert the Sammy Screw threaed rod hanger with a length of threaded rod attached down the center of the Lagmaster Plus and drill into the ceiling. You can see a demo video at www.constructionfastening.com
If you have never tried the Sammy Screw threaed rod anchor, give them a try. They will definetely save you time, thus money on any install.
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Sammy Screw
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Sammy Express Anchor
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